camera roll photo exchange easily between the iPhone. - P2P(Bluetooth | Wifi)
Select multiple images easily multi select MENU.
The full-size transfer the camera roll image.
It is convenient for a lot of photo exchange.
-Select multiple images easily multi select MENU
#:1~4 Line Select:Page All Select:All UnSelect
-Camera roll photo exchange via P2P.
-enable photo exchange with iPhone 4 | iPhone 4S.
-Bluetooth | Wifi (Private IP range)
Wifi is exchanged in Private IP(Router) range .
-Full size photo exchange (Without loss)
iPhone間で簡単にカメラロール写真交換 - P2P(Bluetooth | Wifi)
-iPhone 4,iPhone 4Sでも写真交換可能
-Bluetooth | Wifi (Private IP range)
WifiはPrivate IP range(ルーター範囲内)で交換可能
camera roll photo exchange easily between the iPhone. - P2P(Bluetooth | Wifi)
Select multiple images easily multi select MENU.
The full-size transfer the camera roll image.
It is convenient for a lot of photo exchange.
-Select multiple images easily multi select MENU
#:1~4 Line Select:Page All Select:All UnSelect
-Camera roll photo exchange via P2P.
-enable photo exchange with iPhone 4 | iPhone 4S.
-Bluetooth | Wifi (Private IP range)
Wifi is exchanged in Private IP(Router) range .
-Full size photo exchange (Without loss)
iPhone間で簡単にカメラロール写真交換 - P2P(Bluetooth | Wifi)
-iPhone 4,iPhone 4Sでも写真交換可能
-Bluetooth | Wifi (Private IP range)
WifiはPrivate IP range(ルーター範囲内)で交換可能