
[PocketFiler 1.8 PreRelease]

The App Store "PocketFiler" to register 1.8 and is pending review.

[Concurrency task::FileTask]
-Concurrency in the back time-consuming file operations
#:Sequential execution in the back
#:Unlike multi-task,Will only work during the execution of the PocketFiler.(By Guideline of Apple)

-Concurrency task
Zip compression,UnZip,Files Copy,From Camera Roll

-View as
(FileTask|The number of tasks) will be displayed in the upper left corner of the screen during execution file manager.

App Storeに「PocketFiler」1.8を登録して、審査待ち中です。


Zip圧縮,Zip解凍,ファイルコピー,Camera Rollからの写真取り込み


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