App Store "HandAVPlayer" to register 1.42 and is pending review.
[iOS7 Support]
-iO7 Layout adjustment.
-Can not use the PlayList file for the UI does not appear in iOS7,
(Can not Read,Save,Delete the PlayList file)Problem Possible.(Bug Fix)
App Storeに「HandAVPlayer」1.42を登録して、審査待ち中です。
[iOS7 Support]
-iO7 レイアウト 調整.
(PlayListファイルのRead,Save,Deleteができない)問題対処。(Bug Fix)
App Store "HandAVPlayer" to register 1.42 and is pending review.
[iOS7 Support]
-iO7 Layout adjustment.
-Can not use the PlayList file for the UI does not appear in iOS7,
(Can not Read,Save,Delete the PlayList file)Problem Possible.(Bug Fix)
App Storeに「HandAVPlayer」1.42を登録して、審査待ち中です。
[iOS7 Support]
-iO7 レイアウト 調整.
(PlayListファイルのRead,Save,Deleteができない)問題対処。(Bug Fix)
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